Listed Properties
Easily find the property you're looking for with properties orgazined neatly for easy sorting and searching.
Modern Dashboard
A clean sleek dashboard design to give you the best user experience.
Easy Data Entry
Add Properties and Tenants easily with wizard-style builder. This will take you step by step on what to enter in each section.
Expense Breakdown
Dedicated section to see what expenses you've incurred to help you track costs and get maximum profit.
Maintenance Ticket Automation
Ensures a central place to find all records of repairs, requests, photos, and conversations.
Connect with tenants, landlord, technicians, and agents through the dedicated chatbox for each property.
Calendar Tracker
Easily view all events like rent due date and maintenance requests on the built in calendar.
Reciept Generator
Tenants now have the option to download their own reciept.
Privacy Security
Documents and Photos will have a secondary password and are only viewable to the people invovled.